Developer Tools for Smart Card Readers

Description Operating System    
Android CCID Library
This library serves as an interface between Android platform with USB host support and Identiv CCID compliant USB smartcard readers. Android application developers will integrate this library as part of their Android application to communicate with Identiv’s CCID readers.
Android 8.0 and above   Download
Memory Card Test Sample
The archive contains C++ code samples together with MCard API documentation to communicate with memory cards in Windows.
Windows All   Download
Memory Card Test Sample
This archive contains the MCard API and test application for 32 and 64-bit Linux version 4.03
Linux   Download
PC/SC VB Sample
This archive contains Microsoft Visual BASIC sample code for communication with smartcards via PC/SC API
Windows   Download
PC/SC VC Sample
Visual C code sample compatible with VS2010 and later
Windows   Download

No Longer Supported

The following tools are no longer supported. If you encounter an issue with these tools, we recommend updating your operating system.

Description Operating System    
Memory Card API
This archive contains the MCard API for Windows CE 3.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0 and 6.0
Windows CE   Download
PC/SC Delphi Sample
This archive contains Delphi sample code for communication with smartcards via PC/SC API
Windows   Download